منتدى المغامرون
منتدى المغامرون
منتدى المغامرون
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

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 أسرار لعبهDevil May Cry

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
متحرى الشرق
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى
متحرى الشرق

عدد المساهمات : 147
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/08/2010
العمر : 25
الموقع : https://manr.yoo7.com

أسرار لعبهDevil May Cry    Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: أسرار لعبهDevil May Cry    أسرار لعبهDevil May Cry    Emptyالأربعاء أغسطس 18, 2010 9:07 am

أسرار لعبهDevil May Cry

Unlocking All the Modes, Costumes, and Gallery
At the Start Menu, hold down L1, L2, R1, R2 and rotate the left analog stick until you hear Devil May Cry.

Hard <<<Complete Normal
Dante Must Die<<< Complete Hard
Heaven or Hell<<< Complete Dante Must Die
Gallery<<< Complete Easy or Normal
Gallery update<<< Complete Hard
Quicksilver style<<< Defeat Greyon at the end of mission 12
Doppleganger style<<< Defeat Shadow enemy at the end of mission 17

Unlockable Costumes and Characters
At the mission select screen, press R1 or L1 to select a different outfit or character.

Coatless Dante<<< Complete either Easy or Normal
DMC1 Dante<<< Complete Normal
Coatless DMC1 Dante<<< Complete Hard
Super Dante <<<Complete Dante Must Die
Legendary Dark Knight <<<Clear Hard Mode

Extra ending.
Kill over 100 enemies during the ending credits and get a special screen and cutscene.

Devil Arms
Obtained by defeating certain bosses at various points in missions or usable with a certain character or costume.

Cerberus <<<Defeat Cerberus at the end of mission 3.
Agni&Rudra<<< Defeat Agni and Rudra at the end of mission 5.
Nevan<<< Defeat Nevan at the end of mission 9.
Beowulf <<<Defeat Beowulf at the end of mission 11, and then pick the weapon up at the start of mission 14.
Force Edge<<< Is usable with DMC1 Dante, Coatless DMC1 Dante and LDK after unlocking them.
Yamato<<< Yamato is only usable when controlling Vergil in the boss fight in
mission 19 after Dante is grabbed by the boss.

Obtained after defeating certain bosses, or found in certain places in the game.

Shotgun<<< The shotgun is found hanging on the wall of the front bar in mission 3.
Artemis<<< Found after inserting the last item into the statue in the Mute Goddess statue in mission 6.
Spiral<<< Found on the platform in the Subterranean Lake in mission 9.
Kalina Ann <<<Recieved from Lady after defeating her in mission 16.

Hidden mission "number" in cutscenes
In each intro cutscene for each level, the game director included hidden "numbers" that correspond to the action mission level. The hidden numbers in the cutscenes for each level is listed:
Mission 1
The number "1" on the pizza box

Mission 2
The number "2" on the billboard at the end of the cutscene

Mission 3
The burning enemies form the number "3" at the end of the cutscene

Mission 4
The hanging banner/flag at the beginning of the cutscene is shaped as the number "4"

Mission 5
The blood on the wall at the end of the cutscene forms the number "5"

Mission 6
The explosion at the end of the cutscene leaves the number "6" on the ground

Mission 7
The blood stain on the wall reveals the number "7" at the end of the cutscene

Mission 8
The moon in the background has the number "8" engraved in it

Mission 9
The bullet at the end of the cutscene has "9mm" marked on it

Mission 10
The blood on the book at the end of the cutscene forms the number "10"

Mission 11
The blood on the ground marks the number "11"

Mission 12
At the end of the cutscene, the chain attached to the ceiling is holding the number "12"

Mission 13
At the end of the cutscene, the wall in the background has the number "13" engraved

Mission 14
The number "14" is on the side of the platform, in the pit

Mission 15
The branch at the end of the cutscene shapes the number "15"

Mission 16
The number "16" is lightly scratched on the ground. It's easier to see the number at the beginning of the mission

Mission 17
The top of the pillar at the end of the cutscene forms the number "17"

Mission 18
A paper containing the number "18" quickly flies by in the air

Mission 19
As the camera pans to Lady at the beginning of the cutscene, the number "19" is lightly marked on the ground

Mission 20
The number "20" is formed by the clouds in the background

Loading screen trick
When loading, you can press either 'triangle' or 'square' button to slash or shoot respectively at the 'NOW LOADING' word.


DMC1 song: Lock and Load
In the 3rd mission there is a jukebox in the bar. If you slash it with your sword you'll hear a remixed version of "Lock and Load" (a song from the original DMC) for a short period of time

2 Players
When using the doppelganger style, plug in a controller in port 2. Press start during gameplay to control your shadow with the 2nd controller
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أسرار لعبهDevil May Cry
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